otrdiena, 2010. gada 10. augusts


1) Music - out of the boxes
2) National "fairytale"
3)Talking to old people - just make their day
4)Make disadvantaged families more educated

1) Work together with children from Aizputes music school and make some musical program to perform.
2) Create a place where people can come together, spent time and read fairytale (particularly children)
3) Create group of people who would like to visit old people once in a week and just talk to them.
4) It can take years and I don't know how to start it ...

svētdiena, 2010. gada 8. augusts

Kas ir kas? / What is it?

Society advocacy - savas domas, idejas iznešana "saulītē". Kā jau nodarbībā runājām, tas noteikti nav viegli, tev ir jāsaprot, ka tu nevari izmainīt visu un visus, un nevienmēr tas izdodas. Bet visa sākumā vienmēr ir pirmais solis, kas ir uzdrīkstēšanās jebkādā veidā paust savu viedokli, likt sabiedrībai sevi sadzirdēt. Pats galvenais ir nezaudēt ticību savai idejai un mērķtiecīgi tiekties pēc sava mērķa.


Society advocacy - it is right way how to carry on your own thoughts and ideas. Today we talked about few very important things: it's not easy to do so, you have to realize that you can't change everyone and everything, and there is a possibility that you won't succeed. In the beginning you have to take first step - that is how you dare to speak out loud and make them hear you - in any kind a way. The main thing is not to lose passion and do everything to succeed.

hei, tu mazais prieciņ / hei, you, my grate happiness

jaukākais rīts pēdējo dienu laikā, mājas darbus izpildīšu vēlāk un par society advocacy uzrakstīšu nedaudz vēlāk.

visādi citādi vēl jo projām ļooooti laimīgi!


This is the sweetest morning in these few days, home work - lets do them later.

In the mean time - still very, very happy!
